Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Greek Webquest

Here is the information for the Greek Webquest for World History class.  The sheet has all links attached. 

Ancient Greek Webquest: Athens and Sparta
INTRODUCTION: You are about to embark on a journey to both Athens and Sparta. These were two of the most influential city-states in the ancient world. You have invented a time machine to travel back in time and have been selected to be a tour guide for both of these civilizations. As a tour guide you will escort people on educational sightseeing tours and describe points of interest. Therefore you will need to create a presentation that you will use to educate the sight-seers about Ancient Greece as you make your stops along the tour.

TASK: In order to guide your tourists, you will adopt one of the roles listed below and gather information about your role. You will work with three other students, who will each adopt a different role below. Your task is to create a script for each tour stop that your group will use to explain Greek contributions to the tourists visiting the model. Your group will be responsible to present the script to a group of tourists (your classmates). The tour stops are included. Tour guides must be prepared to give their presentation at either given tour stop. The four roles your group will adopt are:

  • Athenian Politician: Focuses on Athens' government and daily life. Tour stops include the Agora and an Athenian house.
  • Spartan Historian: Focuses on the Sparta's government and daily life. Tour stops include a military camp and a Spartan house.
  • Athenian Merchant: Focuses on trade with other countries as well as their products and reasons for trading. Additionally, the Athenian Merchant will focus on agriculture. Tour stops include a seaport and a farm.
  • Athenian Soldier: Focuses on reasons and outcomes of the Persian War as well as Alexander the Great. Tour stops will include the Battle of Marathon and Alexandria.


1.     The class will be divided into groups of 4.

2.     Each member of your group should select a different role from the four roles listed above.

3.     Using the web sites below as well as your textbook and other resource books, each member will gather information specific to your role as listed on your worksheet. Website marked by the * are directly referenced on your worksheet.

4.     Use your completed worksheet to guide the writing of your presentations. Download this presentation guideline handout to help you organize your ideas and prepare your presentation. You may type directly on the handout using Microsoft Word.


Spartan Historians Websites:
Electronic Passport to Sparta*

Athenian Merchants Websites:
Europe, Greece and Philosophy to 500BC*


Athenian Soldiers Websites:
Persian Wars *


Athenian Politician Websites:
The Ancient Greeks*

EVALUATION: All tour guides will be graded on their individual work as well as their work as a group. An Individual Rubric and a Group Rubric are both available.

CONCLUSION: Through your role as an Ancient Grecian tour guide, you have learned many things about Ancient Greece and its people. You may now work on creating posters for the tour stops where you and your group will be making your presentation. Below you will find sites that contain Ancient Greece clipart and other graphics.



















Ancient Greece Webquest

Athenian Politician


Website:  The Ancient Greeks   Look under Athens

1.  Democracy means _______________(demos)__________________(kratein)

2.  The ____________________ met monthly to make government decisions.


       Word                                                 Definition

A.  polis
B.  acropolis
C.  agora
D.  tyrant
E.  aristocracy
F.  assembly
G.  democracy
H.  majority rule


Website:  Electronic Passport to Athens

4.  A democracy is a government ruled by the ___________________________.                                                            


Adult males:
Assembly Members:
Elected Officials:



5. Purposes of Agora:  1.




6.  Development of Athenian Government

                                                                               RULE BY:

A.  Monarchy
B.  Aristocracy
C.  Limited democracy


7.    ______________________ is another name for the assembly.

8.  How did the assembly keep any one person from becoming too powerful?


9.  Was the democracy of Athens complete government by everyone (all adults) in the polis? ________  Explain. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Women could ___________  _______________ but could not ___________________________________________.

11. Why did most of the male citizens of Athens have time to participate in the government?_______________________________________ _______________________________________________. 


12. Why do you think it was called a limited democracy?____________________________________________________.







Ancient Greece Webquest

Spartan Historian




Website: Electronic Passport to Sparta

1. There were three characteristics that all Spartans wanted to attain: 

                A. ___________________             B.____________________         C.____________________ 

2. Spartans were:

____ A. Not very loyal to their polis       ____ B. Completely loyal to their polis       ____ C. Did not care about their polis 

Spartan Roles 

3. Boys:                                Left home for military training at age _________            

4. Men:                                Lived in military camps even though married until age ______

                                                Participated in ________________ contests

5. Women:                         Participated in _________________ contests 

     ( 5 pts.)

6. Why would Sparta be considered a “closed polis?” _____________________________________________________


7. What was the problem with the slaves? ______________________________________________________________


Website: Daily Life in Ancient Greece

8. Boys:                                Treated harshly so they would become ________ and ________ 

                                                Taught to ___________, _____________, and ___________

                                                but do not get _________________. 


(6 pts.)    Website:  Europe, Greece and Philosophy to 500BC

9. Women:                         All females were trained in _____________________ so they

                                                could have strong, _________________   ______________. 

10. All Spartans would not allow themselves to have pleasures of life such as:

                                A.________________        or      B._______________ 

11. Spartans were not allowed to _______________ or __________  ___________

12. Spartans enjoyed: (Check ALL activities that apply.)

     _____ A. Fancy parties             _____ C. Literature         _____ E. T.V. 

      _____ B. Music                           _____ D. Poetry                               _____ F. Athletic training 

(7 pts.) Resource: Textbook

13. Sparta is located on the southern peninsula called the ___________________.

14.  The life of all Spartans included _____________________ activity.

15.  Spartan military training for the males included obedience without _________.

16.  As far as women of other Greek city-states, Spartan women had:

                _____Fewer rights       _____More rights      _____Equal number of rights.

17.  Three responsibilities of Spartan Women were:

                A. ___________________________________________

                B. ___________________________________________

                C. ___________________________________________

       Place an * beside the most important duty of Spartan women.

(7 pts.)  18.  Why did the Spartan lifestyle stay the same for a long time?_________________________ __________________________________________________

19.  Government:

# of Kings:
# of Members in Senate:
Age of Senate Members:
Senate Members Elected by:
Handled Daily Governing:
Two Most Powerful Groups:


(5pts.) 20.  Sparta believed they needed a strong army.  Explain.  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Ancient Greece Webquest

Athenian Merchant


Website: Europe, Greece and Philosophy to 500BC

1. Sparta farming:

                ___A. Was carried out on large farms of many acres.

                ___B. Was “big business.”

                ___C. Was carried out mainly by individual families which grew just enough for themselves.

2. Explain who the Helots were: ________________________________________________________________________


3. True or False: _________ There were many merchants in Sparta. Explain.____________________________________


4. True or False: ________Athens was very involved in trade. 

5. The main economic activity in Athens (occupation to “make a living”) was   ___________________________. 

6. Cause: Farming became very successful.

    Effect: Problem: __________________________________________________ 



Website: Electronic Passport to Ancient Greece

7. Why did ancient Greeks become greatly interested in sailing and trade? _____________________________________ 

8. From whom did the Greeks learn the alphabet?__________________________ 

Website: Ancient Greece: Archaic Greece,800-500BC

9. What was the reason the Greeks began to “colonize” (begin new Greek colonies  

    outside of Greece)?______________________________________________________________________________.

10. Name three locations where new Greek colonies began:




Website: The Ancient Greek World Economy

11. Greek colonies around the Mediterranean Sea provided Greece with the

       following six items:

                ___________________             ___________________             ________________

                ___________________             ___________________             ________________ 

12. In return Greece supplied the following three items:

                ___________________             ___________________             _________________

Resource: Textbook and Internet

13. What natural landform in Greece encouraged colonization and trade?________

14. Name three ways the Greeks used the seas:




15. The Greeks not only traded products and resources, but also_______________  with distant lands.

16. The Greeks became skilled at _____________________________. That  is why their trade expanded.

17.                                                          Items for Trade 



Resource: Textbook and Internet

18. Minoan civilizations existed on what island?_________________________  

19. At first, Minoan activity was mainly ___________________. 

20. True or False: _______________ Knossus was a large palace. 

21. Minoan skills:   A.___________________      B.___________________ 

22. Minoans exported:

                A._________________     B._________________    C._________________



Ancient Greece Webquest

Athenian Soldier



Website:  Persian Wars                                                                                 Score_______                                                                                                                                       30

1.      The Two sides during the Persian Wars were:

            A.__________________________    B.__________________________

2.      The reason for the conflict was that Persia took control of some Greek

_______________________________________.  Greece came to the rescue of their ________________________________.  _______________ attacked _____________________________________________________.

            Website: Electronic Passport to Persia

3.      Persia was located ___________________________________.

4.      TRUE or FALSE._____ Persia attacked Athens to begin the wars.

5.      Name the Persian king who invaded Greece.  ___________________________________

6.      Battle of Marathon:  Who won? ________________________

Why do we have marathon races in the Olympics? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7.      Which side had more soldiers?    ______  A. Persia   ______  B. Greek city-states

8.       Who won the Persian Wars?

 ______  A. Persia   ______  B. Greece

9.       After the Persian Wars, the Greeks felt very ____________________ of their culture.

10.   For 30 years after the Persian Wars, Greece experienced the ____________of ______________________________.


Ancient Greece Webquest: Alexander the Great

                            Website:  Electronic Passport to Alexander the Great                                                     

1.  Became King in …
2.  Became king of …
3.  Father’s name was…
4.  Empire he conquered…


5.The attitude of Alexander’s soldiers towards him was:

            ____A. They felt he was lazy because he stayed in his tent all the time.

            ____B. They thought of him as foolish because he wanted to conquer so much land.

            ____C. They thought he was brave because he fought the enemy with them.

6.      After Persia, what region did he conquer?  ____________________________________


7.      When Alexander invaded Egypt, the Egyptians were:

____A. Thrilled because he conquered the Persian government in Egypt.

____B. Annoyed because they liked the Persian government laws.

____C. Frustrated because they didn’t want a Greek King.

8.      The Egyptians crowned him _____________ and treated him as a ___________.

9. Alexander’s empire extended west to ________________________________________.

            10.  How did Alexander die? _________________________________________________

11.       How old was he when he died? ____________________________________________

12.       What happened to his empire after he died?  __________________________________


13.       Name three ways that Alexander influenced the world:

A.        _________________________________________________________________

B.        ________________________________________________________________

C.        _________________________________________________________________

14.       What two things did he accomplish in Alexandria, Egypt?

A.        _________________________________________________________________

B.        _________________________________________________________________