Monday, March 31, 2014

Hoplite Shield Project

Our 7th grade class has researched a Greek battle and completed a 4-day factual/personal journal.  They are now creating Hoplite shield that have Greek symbols that represent something about their personalities! 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hoplite Project Due in a Few Weeks From Today

Direction: Imagine you are a hoplite or foot soldier fighting for a Greek city-state. The assignment is:
1) Design a shield for your city-state, 20-32 inches in diameter.
(Make Sure It Is Symmetrical)
2) Write a four journal entry on a specific Greek battle.

Make an outline of events that you plan to discuss in your journal, use a real battle fought by Greek armies. Describe at least two events that happened to the entire group and two personal events that are faithful to the time period.

Research Hints for good sites:
Does the information appear to be error-free?
Does the information appear to be up-to-date?
Does the site include links to appropriate sites outside this page?
Is each section of the page labeled with a topic or section heading?
Does the content have some educational value?
Is the page clearly labeled woth the author's name or the sponsoring organization and contact information? (Hint: Check the bottom of the page or look for "About Us" or "Who We Are.")
Search Engines (Ever need to find different websites check out different search engines)

Domain Names
com: commercial or profit organization
org: nonprofit
net: network
gov: government agency
k12: schools
edu: indicates an organization of higher learning
check out who is linked to various sites.

Battles To Check Out:
Battle of Marathon
Battle of Salamis
Battle of Thermopylae
Battle of Chaeronea
Peloponnesian War
Battle of Nemea

Sites To Check Out:
Go to Snap
Click On Britannica School Password (31davisco) Username (gpaea)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Here is a digital news broadcast about the taking of Fort Ticonderoga from the perspective of a historical figure involved.  The students worked very hard on these and needed to teach the story leading to the Revolutionary War from their drawn perspective.  Great job kids!