French and Indian War Question

What was the French and Indian war?  Where was the turning point leading to an English victory/why?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Social Studies Extra Credit Question

Answer ONE question in order to receive up to 5 extra points on your test:

How does the United States have a bicameral legislature.  What does this word mean? 

What is a rally?  How would this be influential in government today? 

What is the process in how a bill becomes a law? 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Declaration of Independence


Recently, our students translated the Declaration into "modern day" language.  Many of the translations were quite good!  I have spoken to one of the classes, and they have decided that they would like to post a video of their translation.  We should have the video posted keep any eye out for it!

American Revolution Test Bonus Questions

Answere ONE of the following in a PARAGRAPH to recieve up to 5 points. 

1.  Imagine that you were a soldier fighting for the Americans or British at Breed's Hill.  Descibe your experiences during this battle.

2.  What implications would the statement "All men are created equal." have during the creation of the Declaration of Independence. 

3.  Explain how the actions of James Forten would have been considered patriotic.  Why was James so loyal to the American cause (Think about the choices that he made). 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bonus Test Questions


Here are the bonus questions for your test next Tuesday (2/22).  Remember that you will need to copy and paste the questions into word to show that you visited the site.  There is a possibility of 5 bonus available.  I am posting three (3) questions.  ONLY CHOOSE ONE for your bonus. 

1. Why were the British traveling to Lexington and then on to Concord?  Who were the three men that warned the countryside?  What were their roles?

2.  Who were the Green Mountain Boys and what were two of their accomplishments?

3.  Who became the general of the Continental Army?  What leadership traits did he have?  (physical attributes, personality, and background)

Midterm is here!

Each of the grades are calculated.  At the end of the quarter, I will go into the gradebook and drop the lowest assignment for each student.  I've given this a lot of thought and think that it would be best to give each student a clear indication of where they stand point-wise throughout the quarter up until final grade time.
Please remember that midterm is just an indication of where each student stands.  They may go back and redo low scoring assignments (with the exception of daily questions/assessments) for better scores.  They may not turn in a late assignment that they didn't turn in initially as this would be unfair to other students.   
Hope to see everyone at parent-teacher conferences during the first week of March! 
Best Wishes,
Mr. Husted

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Projects Completed!

The projects are in...and the results were very creative.  The 8th grade Social Studies students did a VERY creative job in putting their projects together/presenting them to their classmates!  I have posted just a few of the activities on the blog, but had many more that were awesome. 

There were a number of different student-created activities.  The groups created projects that included revolutionary era news casts, rap songs, books, newspapers, powerpoints, propoganda/movie posters, and even foods that were commonly cooked during the time of the war.  I was very pleased to see the work of our students!  This project was designed to give the students mental snapshots of the time period. 

Where are we headed next?  We went back to text today to reinforce their learnings.  The students explored the midnight ride made by Paul Revere today through interactive team work.  I found that the group that presented "The Midnight Ride" to the class during the project took pride in contributing information during the lesson today.

This has definitely been an experience that will remain in their minds for quite some time! 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Standardized Tests

The Social Studies class has had focus lessons all week on the "How To" strategies for performing their best on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.  In these focus lessons, we have discussed strategies as a whole group to ensure that they are able to do their best on the test!
As a teacher, I have mixed feelings about high stakes testing. I know that there are a lot of students that tend to "freeze" when it comes time to show what they know.  My attempts with the focus lessons were to simply ease the anxiety that they might have going into next week while encouraging them to show how they have grown academically of the past year and to show our students how important these assessments are to our school district!  I wanted to share a powerpoint that I found that the kids really bought into.  I really thought that this hit the nail right on the head!  Good luck to all students taking the test!  I know that you will respresent Davis County well!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

WebQuest Questionaire

American Revolution WebQuest Questionaire
1. What is the date and location of the event? 
2. What led up to the event?
3. What people are involved and did any lose their lives? 
4. If there are there famous people involved (ie., George Washington, Ben Franklin, Patrick Henry), what are their roles?
5. What resulted because of the event?
6. How does the event effect the war cause? 
7   There were many famous quotes from the war; were there any famous quotes derived from the event?
 8.   How has this event affected your life?


American Revolution WebQuest


Our students will be working on a WebQuest project over the American Revolution.  In this project, they will use available resources to create a presentation with their partners.  This will be the second WebQuest this year.  It will be fun to see how creative they can be in their projects that will cover a specific time span of the war!  I will be posting a questionaire that will need to be filled out by each pair.  One student will be playing the "Yankee" role and the other will be playing the "Doodle" (artistic) role in this quest.  Projects will be posted over the next few weeks!  Wish us luck! 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wednesday's Test


Welcome back to school!  Don't forget to have your notebooks ready to help you for the French and Indian test this Wednesday.  Also, make sure that you have your notebooks up to date so that you will receive all of your points for your work in them.  You need notes for chapter 1,2,3,5, and well as all of your vocabulary words. 

You may receive 5 extra points if you print out the questions below (copy and paste into word) and answer ONE of them.  You may have the question answered prior to taking the test.  Good luck to all! 

French and Indian Questions:

1. What would have happened if the English would have lost at Quebec?  How might this have impacted you?  What might our economy be based upon today?

2.  Explain the relationship that the English had with the Indians during the French and Indian War and how that changed after France left this continent. 

3.  Compare and contrast Sir William Johnson with Sir Jeffrey Amherst when it came to their positions regarding Indian rights.