Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Declaration of Independence


Recently, our students translated the Declaration into "modern day" language.  Many of the translations were quite good!  I have spoken to one of the classes, and they have decided that they would like to post a video of their translation.  We should have the video posted keep any eye out for it!

American Revolution Test Bonus Questions

Answere ONE of the following in a PARAGRAPH to recieve up to 5 points. 

1.  Imagine that you were a soldier fighting for the Americans or British at Breed's Hill.  Descibe your experiences during this battle.

2.  What implications would the statement "All men are created equal." have during the creation of the Declaration of Independence. 

3.  Explain how the actions of James Forten would have been considered patriotic.  Why was James so loyal to the American cause (Think about the choices that he made).